AMPLIFIRE features three (3) fully programmable footswitches. AMPLIFIRE12
features twelve (12) fully programmable footswitches.
Footswitch modes are selected on the FOOTSWITCH menu . The FOOTSWITCH
menu appears third to last in the edit menu list, just before the CC settings page. To
CHANGE THE FOOTSWITCH MODES, press the ENCODER knob to enter edit mode .
Then, tap the ENCODER knob several times to drill down the effect menus until the
FOOTSWITCH 1 mode selection appears in the LCD display window . You are now
in the FOOTSWITCH menu . Press the NEXT and BACK buttons to cycle through the
options for the footswitches, and turn the ENCODER knob to change the values .
fooTSWITcH ModE:
Select the mode of operation for the footswitch . Choose from
the following options:
In this mode the footswitch functionality will be assigned on a per
preset basis . Within each preset you will be able to use the BUTTON parameter to
assign ON/OFF functionality for a specific effect .
Toggles between two presets, preset “A” and preset “B”. Press once for
preset “A”. Press again for preset “B”. Press again returns to preset “A”, and so on.
Press and hold for two seconds to BYPASS the unit . Each footswitch has two
presets, “A” and “B” which can be assigned to any of the 128 presets (see PRESET
“A” and PRESET “B” sections below).
Toggles between a preset and BYPASS . Press once for preset
“A”. Press again for bypass. Press again returns to preset “A”, and so on. Press and
hold for two seconds to toggle between preset “A” and preset “B”. Each footswitch
has two presets, “A” and “B” which can be assigned to any of the 128 presets (see
PRESET “A” and PRESET “B” sections below).
LooP coNTRoL:
Toggles the external effects loop on and off.
Toggles the unit from ACTIVE to BYPASS, bypassing all effects and
amp modeling .
Toggles the BOOST effect between ACTIVE and BYPASSED .
Toggles any or all of the modulation effects (CHORUS, FLANGER, PHASER,
TREMOLO) between ACTIVE and BYPASSED. Useful when you have a preset
featuring multiple effects that you’d like to toggle with a single switch.
Toggles the ECHO effect between ACTIVE and BYPASSED .
Toggles the REVERB effect between ACTIVE and BYPASSED .
Toggles the NOISE GATE effect between ACTIVE and BYPASSED .
Toggles the WAH-WAH effect between ACTIVE and BYPASSED .