Turns the COMPRESSOR effect on or off . Select ACTIVE to turn it on . Select
BYPASSED to turn it off .
Positions the COMPRESSOR effect . Choose PRE to position the effect in the
PRE-EFFECTS section . . Choose POST to position the effect in the POST-EFFECTS
section .
ModE (STUdIo/PEdAL):
Determines the source of the gain detector . In STUDIO
mode, the gain reduction envelope comes from the input (feedforward). In PEDAL
mode the gain reduction envelope comes from the output (feedback).
THRESHoLd (db):
The THRESHOLD determines the level at which the compressor
begins to reduce the gain of the input signal . Signals above the threshold are reduced
by an amount equal to the RATIO (see below).
Determines how much gain reduction is applied to signals that are above
the THRESHOLD. For example, when RATIO is set to 2 then signals above the
THRESHOLD will be reduced by 50%. As RATIO approaches its maximum value the
COMPRESSOR becomes closer to a LIMITER .
LEVEL (db):
Adjusts the output level of the COMPRESSOR block. Higher values of
compression can result in decreased overall volume. The level can be adjusted higher
to compensate for this .
MAKEUP (AUTo/off):
Enables or disables the automatic MAKEUP gain feature .
MAKEUP gain will automatically boost the output level of the COMPRESSOR effect
to compensate for the reduction in amplitude due to the compression effect . Can be
used instead of (or in addition to) manual level compensation.
ATTAcK (milliseconds):
Adjusts the ATTACK time of the COMPRESSOR. This
determines how quickly the gain reduction is applied to the signal after it passes
above the THRESHOLD .
RELEASE (milliseconds):
Adjusts the RELASE time of the COMPRESSOR. This
determines how quickly the gain reduction stops being applied after the input signal
crosses below the THRESHOLD .
Determines the type of detector being used to DETECT the
input level of the signal . In PEAK mode, the detector responds according to the peak
input signal level. In RMS mode, the detector is taking a “root-mean-square” running
average of the input signal . This means it will not respond quite as quickly to abrupt
changes in signal amplitude .
KNEE (db):
The KNEE determines the width of the transition region between
compression and non-compression . At 0dB, the THRESHOLD is an abrupt transition
(picture two straight lines connecting at different angles). This is called a ”hard-knee”
compressor . As the KNEE is increased the transition becomes more gentle which can
help create a smoother sound. This is called a “soft-knee” compressor. You can adjust
this parameter between both types to suit your taste .