Getting Started
RFID Application Kit ATAK2270 User Manual
Software Installation
The ATAK2270 host installation software as well as the related datasheets and documentation are pro-
vided by the CD-ROM included in the kit. Furthermore, the up-to-date software and documentation are
available via the web.
Execute the setup.exe file found on the CD-ROM to launch the installation and generate the
ATAK2270.exe program file. If the default settings are accepted during installation, the program file will
be installed to path: X:\Programme\ATAK2270\ATAK2270.exe.
Administrator rights are required to install this software.
AVR Programming Guide
The AVR base board (
) is equipped with two programming interfaces, ISP and JTAG allowing
reprogramming or updating the firmware of AVR flash memory.
ISP is a downloading method. Only six I/O lines are needed. The provided header works with the
ATSTK500 as well as the AVR ISP In-System Programmer. Both of these are available from Atmel or
distributors for very low cost program development. To program the flash memory and the EEPROM,
first connect the programming tool to the MB using a six-pin ribbon connector. Make sure that proper ori-
entation is maintained by aligning pin1. The files types accepted use Intel Hex format.
To program a hex file into the target AVR device, select “Program AVR” and then “Connect...” from the
“Tools” menu in AVR Studio. Once AVR Studio has been opened, connect to the STK500 or AVRISP by
selecting “STK500 or AVRISP” in the Platform List. Then select “Connect...”. The driver for the STK500
and AVRISP is then started, and the STK500 dialog should appear. Note that the system supports other
programming platforms as well, like the JTAGICE or the JTAGICE mkII.
Then select the AVR target device from the pull-down menu on the “Program” tab and locate the Intel-
hex file to download. Select the “program” button. Repeat for the EEPROM section.
The same steps apply when using the JTAGICE MKII.
The JTAG Platform allows more control during software development by allowing real-time debugging of
the source code. The JTAGICE MKII supports setting breakpoints and stepping through the code being
executed on the target micro. This is very useful for a more complex software project such as this one.
Fuse Settings:
Fuse bits must be set properly for the kit to function. The only fuse bits that should be set are listed
JTAG Interface Enabled; (JTAGEN = 0)
Serial program downloading (SPI) enabled; (SPIEN = 0)
Boot Flash section size = 512 words Boot start address = $FE00; (BOOTSZ = 11)
Brown-out detection level at VCC = 2.7V; (BODLEVEL = 1)
Int. RC OSC. 8MHz; Start-up time; 6CK + 64 ms; (CKSEL = 0100 SUT = 10)
All others should be unchecked.