Host Software
RFID Application Kit ATAK2270 User Manual
T5557/ATA5567 Multifunction Read/Write Transponder
The ATA5567 offers an improvement over T5557’s slow power-on behavior. Apart from this difference,
both transponders are functionally identical and thus can be managed by same user interface. Both tran-
sponders are backward compatible to the older T5551/TK5551 version. Therefore, they can be operated
in the Compatible or Basic Mode.
Figure 5-14. T5557/ATA5567 Mode Selection
T5557/ATA5567 Compatible Mode
For Compatible Mode refer to
Section 5.3.3 ”TK5551 Read/Write Transponder”
T5557/ATA5567 Extended Mode
In contrast to Compatible Mode, Extended Mode is enhanced by additional features, which can be
enabled. These include:
SST Sequence Start Marker
Inverse Data Mode
OTP General Data Protection
Enlarged Data Rates
Fast Write Mode
Traceability Manufacturer Data
The operation in Password PWD, Answer AOR, or Direct Access Mode can be handled as described in
Section 5.4 ”Operating Common Transponder Features”