® Copyright ATH-Heinl GmbH & Co. KG, All rights reserved / Misprints and technical changes reserved / As of: 2021-11
Manufacturer ATH-Heinl GmbH & CO.KG
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Delivery Contents
ATH- Cross Lift 35 OG/OGA
Basic package with:
2 X pairs of scissors including built-in cylinders
Dimensions (L x W x H): 4500 x 700 x 300 mm
Weight: 975Kg/pc.
- 1 X Package with control box, hydraulic and pneumatic hoses:
Dimensions (L x W x H): 400 x 550 x 1.150 mm
Weight: 130Kg
- 1 X Package with accessories, ramps and ramp plates.
Dimensions (L x W x H): 1150 x 680 x 350 mm
Weight: 100Kg