Grand Meridian Firebrick Liners
Custom Firebrick Lining
Firebrick lining is not included with the fireplace. There
is, however, the option of
pre-fabricated panels that
can be obtained from IHP. See exploded parts page for details.
If custom firebrick lining is desired, 1-1/8” inch thick liners will
be required. The pattern for the firebrick lining is exclusively
your choice. Before you install the lining, remember to consider
any holes your contractor may need to drill for gas, electrical
or combustion air kit access holes.
Please use a certified mason to lay-in the brick. He will follow
the proper instructions from the fireplace liner manufacturer
and also understand the type of adhesive or cement he is to
Make sure the fireplace is installed with the finished firebrick
floor of the fireplace so that it is
at least
11” (eleven inches)
above the combustible floor system.
Disclaimer: IHP wishes to express that as the manufacturer of
the Grand Meridian Fireplaces, they cannot take any liability
or responsibility for they way the firebrick or the firebrick
mortar performs. It is not unusual in the course of the life of
the firebrick, or the firebrick mortar, for heat stress cracks to
appear. IHP cannot be responsible for this and other wear and
tear to the firebrick and mortar.
Modular Firebrick Lining
If using our Firebrick Liners, simply use an extra bucket of the
mortar we supply. Install Hearth Liner first, then continue with
sides. Consider if brackets for grates will be required also if
pre-drilling is required for gas lines, electrical or if the outside
combustion air kit is to be installed. If the optional Arch is
used, the top corners of the firebrick side liners will need to be
notched (see
Figure 30
The following Firebrick Liners are available from IHP:
MMST43SHBL- Herringbone
MMST43FRBL- Running Bond
Figure 29
Finished Height to Combustible Floor
Figure 30
Sectioned Side View
If Optional Arches
are used, corner
notching will be
required on all
four places.
Running Bond Brick Pattern
Figure 32
Figure 31
Herringbone Brick Pattern