• firewood should be well sheltered from rain and snow;
• pieces of split wood should be stacked with sufficient gaps between them so that the freely-circulating air can blow away
the moisture evaporated from the pieces of firewood;
• there should be sufficient space above the heap of firewood below the roof and sufficient ventilation to remove the moist air;
• it is not advisable to store freshly-cut firewood in a basement since the firewood needs sun and free air movement to dry.
Dry wood can be stored in the basement where sufficient ventilation is guaranteed;
• it is recommended to dry the split firewood outdoors under the above-mentioned conditions. Depending on the type of wood,
soft wood (alder, asp, fir, poplar) must be dried for at least 8 months, and hard wood (oak, ash, birch) for at least 20 months.
firing the boiler with coal, rubber or plastics is prohibited. However, loading wood briquettes into the
boiler together with their plastic packaging bags is allowed.
7. oPeRaTIon
• fRonT conTRol Panel
The front control panel has an electronic boiler regulator 1, a green button for switching voltage to the boiler on/off 2 and
a red button for switching on the ventilator 3. These buttons light up in the activated state. For more details on the operation
of the front panel buttons, see “Electronic boiler regulator KR-4.3D” and “Boiler kindling procedure”.
• ReaR conTRol Panel
The following safety devices are installed in the rear control panel: thermal fuse 1 and electric fuse 2 (Fig. 10). The purpose of
the thermal fuse, otherwise called the maximum boiler temperature emergency thermostat, is to switch off the boiler ventilator if
water temperature in the boiler exceeds the maximum permissible 95°C due to unforeseen reasons. The temperature sensor of the
thermostat is installed in a dedicated sleeve 16 (Fig. 1). The burning intensity decreases when the ventilator is switched off and the
water temperature decreases. When the emergency thermostat trips, the lamp of the ventilator switch 3 on the front panel switches
off (Fig. 9) and the lighting indicator bulb 4 “Firing off” on the electronic regulator lights up (Fig. 11). In this case, it is necessary to find
out the causes of tripping and to remove them. After the boiler cools down, the emergency thermostat can be returned to its normal
operating mode. For this purpose, unscrew its cover and depress the red button.
The cause of overheating of the boiler and tripping of the emergency thermostat must be found and
removed. If this is not done, the risk of serious damage to boiler equipment as well as hazard to human health
and life remains. If the user cannot locate and remove the cause of tripping of the emergency thermostat, a
fig. 9 front control panel
1. Electronic boiler regulator; 2. Green button for switching the voltage of the boiler on and off; 3. Red button for switching on the ventilator.