Astra G-50E Installation And Operation Manual Download Page 13



 Do not forget to keep the returning 

water temperature as high as possible, at 

least 65°c or even higher! It is necessary 

to assure that a thermometer is installed 

on the returning water pipe, in order to be 

able to observe this temperature at any 


• InsTallaTIon of THe boIleR 


The boiler room should be ventilated. The required air inflow necessary for combustion should be also ensured. For this 

purpose, boiler room doors should have ventilation grating or there should be a sufficient gap between the doors and the 

floor. If there is no possibility to supply air in from another rooms or the house is very tight, it will be necessary to install an 

opening in the exterior wall. The cross-section area of the opening should be at least 0.001 m2/kW.

Place the boiler as close to the flue as possible on a hard concrete levelled basement. Leave at least 600 mm gap between the 

backside casing of the boiler and the room wall for boiler servicing and cleaning. The smallest distance between a lateral casing 

of the boiler and a building structure is 400 mm. If the building structure is made of flammable materials, this distance should be 

doubled. A freely approachable space of at least 800 mm should be then left from the opposite side of the boiler to ensure access 

to the backside of the boiler, for its servicing and cleaning. The floor under the boiler, within the distance of 50 cm in front of it and 

within the distance of 30 cm around the boiler should be made of inflammable materials. Screw supporting legs onto the base 

of the boiler and level the boiler with screw nuts using a level; then connect the heating system circulation pump to the boiler.

The smoke exhaust pipe of the boiler should be connected to the chimney through a metal duct. The internal diameter of 

the metal connecting duct should be at least the same as the external diameter of the smoke exhaust pipe of the boiler. To 

improve the draught, the connecting duct between the boiler and the chimney should be installed at an inclination towards 

the boiler. All junctions should be carefully tightened using a heat-resistant material and insulated using thermal insulation.

 If an additional damper is installed between the boiler and the chimney for the draught control purpose, 

the damper should not close more than 2/3 of the cross-section area of the opening in its fully closed position.

• ReQUIReMenTs foR THe cHIMneY

It is recommended to insert acid-resistant stainless steel liner, if the  chimney is made from masonry. It improves draught of 

the chimney and protects the masonry from destruction due to the impact of condensate. Internal diameter of the liner should 

be no less than the external diameter of the smoke exhaust pipe of the boiler. The chimney liner can be round or oval. It is not 

recommended to use rectangular-shaped liner as, due to the temperature fluctuations, its walls deform, gaps appear at the 

element junction points, through which the condensate falls on the walls of the bricks chimney. Additional air is sucked in, which 

reduces draught of the chimney. Draught for each boiler model should correspond to the referred value of draught in the table 

“Technical data”. The liner should be factory made. Minimum permissible height of the chimney should be at least 7 m. The top 

of the chimney should be above the ridge at least by 0.5m. If the chimney is further from the ridge than 1m, the angle horizon- 

the ridge- the cap of the chimney should consist 10° or less degrees. Draught of the chimney can also be negatively affected by 

various obstructions near the building: trees, hills, other buildings. Fig. 8 presents the recommended minimal angles between 

the chimney, nearby objects and the horizon. Angles larger than those indicated will cause reduction of draught of the chimney.

 The connection of other devices to the chimney to which the boiler is connected is prohibited.

 The chimney should be cleaned at least once a year!

Difference of water temperatures  

Δt, °c

Heating output, kW



Water flow, l/min

























Summary of Contents for G-50E


Page 2: ... Returning to the Boiler 12 Heating Output Water Temperature and Water Flow Relationship 12 Installation of the Boiler Room 13 Requirements for the Chimney 13 6 FUEL 14 7 OPERATION 15 Front Control Panel 15 Rear Control Panel 16 Electronic Boiler Regulator KR 4 3D 16 Preparation for Firing 17 Kindling Procedure of the Boiler 18 Fire Bed and Tips for Effective Boiler Stoking 18 Regulation of the Bo...

Page 3: ...sin from the boiler flues as instructed in this manual 1 7 The room where the boiler is installed should have fire extinguishing tools fire extinguishers sand box shovel and other tools 1 8 Do not place flammable materials on or near the boiler 1 9 Connect the boiler to the electric system only via a three pole plug plugged into an adequate three pole socket with earthing Protect connection cable ...

Page 4: ...ator 11 Return waterpipe 12 Waterdrainnipple 13 Connectionsofthecoolingserpentine 14 Fluepipe 15 Fluecleaningcap 16 Smoketemperaturesensor 17 Safety ventilatorshutdown95 Cthermostatsensor 18 Watertemperaturesensor 19 Uppercombustionchamberopeningtotheflue 20 Primaryairinlet opening 21 Secondaryairinletopening 22 Ceramicburner 23 Ceramicchopper 24 Ceramicsegment 25 Openingtotheflue Astra G boiler m...

Page 5: ...stem bar max 3 0 3 0 Testing pressure of the boiler bar 4 5 4 5 Max allowable water temperature in the boiler C 108 108 Max allowable operating water temperature in the boiler C 95 95 Electric characteristics voltage V frequency Hz 220 50 220 50 average power used W 50 50 Level of electric protection of the boiler IP30 IP30 Dimensions height mm 1315 1475 width mm 660 660 depth mm 1230 1230 Weight ...

Page 6: to remove the sealingropefrombetweentheceramicburnerandtheframeoftheboiler thenthisceramicinsertcanberemoved Fig 2 Ceramic inserts and their positions 1 Ceramic burner 2 Ceramic chopper 3 Ceramic segments Ceramic element Boiler type G 50E G 80E 1 Burner 1 a ŠK 50 00 008 1 1 1 b ŠK 50 07 001 1 1 2 Chopper 2 a G 32 01 2 2 2 b G 32 02 1 1 3 Segments 3 G 18 00 004 01 2 2 2 a 2 b 3 1 a 1 b 2 b Turbu...

Page 7: ...oiler and reduce the temperature of the smoke in the chimney it is sufficient to remove the ashes 1 2 times per week 4 TRANSPORTATION STORAGE UNPACKING Theheatingboileristobetransportedandpackagedinaccordancewiththedocumentationofthemanufacturer protected from precipitation and dust It can be transported only in vertical position fastened to avoid sliding and falling If the boiler istransportedino...

Page 8: ...tomatically opens the flow of cold water from the public water supply network through the coolingserpentine whereitabsorbstheexcessiveheatenergyand flowsoutintothesewage Thesensorofthevalvewiththeexternal thread isscrewedontothesocketontherearwalloftheboiler Technical data of the thermostatic safety valve are the following Opening temperature 95 C Maximum operating temperature 110 C Operating pres...

Page 9: ...h Membrane Expansion Vessel Thermostatic Mixing Valve Domestic Water Preparation From Water Supply Hot Water Air Outlet Other Notations Automatic Water Addition Valve Accumulation Tank Thermometer 3 Way Servo Drive Mixing Valve Return Overflow Valve Filter Heating System Supply Heating System Return Automatic Air Outlet Return Valve Valve Pressure Relief Valve Pump Thermometer Manometer Manometer ...

Page 10: ...control devices must conform to the following technical characteristics Instrument Technical characteristics Type of boiler Pressure relief valve Connectiondiam doesnotexceed setopeningpressure3bar Astra G 50E Astra G 80E Thermometer manometer Range of temperature 0 120 C pressure 0 4 0 bar All boilers There must be no ball valves installed between the boiler and the pressure relief valve Water fr...

Page 11: ...switch S2 ventilator switch SK emergency ventilator shutdown 95 C thermostat F fuse M ventilator circulation pump of the heating system KR electronic controller U1 2 water temperature sensors U3 smoke temperature sensor the diameter of the connection pipes of the boiler Circuit Diagram of the Boiler An electric installation with earthing in accordance with the electric safety regulations in force ...

Page 12: ...cle together with a Swedish made thermoregulationdevice Laddomat21 100 Makesurethatthe Laddomat issuppliedwiththe72 Cthermostatcartridge The mentioned temperature is the one at which the valve of the device opens completely However the actual temperature of the water returning from the system and getting into the boiler after mixing is 5 6 C lower The higher the temperature of the return water is ...

Page 13: ...the boiler and the chimney should be installed at an inclination towards the boiler All junctions should be carefully tightened using a heat resistant material and insulated using thermal insulation Ifanadditionaldamperisinstalledbetweentheboilerandthechimneyforthedraughtcontrolpurpose thedampershouldnotclosemorethan2 3ofthecross sectionareaoftheopeninginitsfullyclosedposition Requirements for the...

Page 14: ...rewood preparation put split wood in a properly ventilated place if possible in a sunlit place Fig 8 Positioning of a chimney in respect to vicinity objects 6 FUEL Theboilerisfiredonlybywoodlogsandwoodbriquettes Itispossibletofireitwithfuelpeatbriquettes howevertheoperation oftheboilerbecomeslesscomfortablefortheuserasitisnecessarytoremovetheashesofthesehighlyash producingbriquettes after each loa...

Page 15: ... regulator KR 4 3D and Boiler kindling procedure Rear Control Panel The following safety devices are installed in the rear control panel thermal fuse 1 and electric fuse 2 Fig 10 The purpose of the thermal fuse otherwise called the maximum boiler temperature emergency thermostat is to switch off the boiler ventilator if watertemperatureintheboilerexceedsthemaximumpermissible95 Cduetounforeseenreas...

Page 16: ...reoftheboilerwater Inordertochangeit theappropriatebuttonmustbepressed forincreasingand for decreasingthetemperature Afterseveralsecondsafterthelastpressofabutton thesetpointtemperatureissavedandtheindicator returns to showing the measured temperature of the boilerwater When it indicates the setpoint temperature a dot lights up beside the readout When the indicator indicatestherealmeasuredtemperat...

Page 17: ...ith the rear wall of the boiler Fig 2 Place two ceramic segments 3 Fig 2 on the chopper so that they contact the walls of the boiler chamber Fill the heating system with water The filling pressure should be 0 2 bar bigger than the hydrostatic pressure yet it must notexceedtheoperatingpressureoftheboiler Afterfillingthesystemwithwater performavisualcheckofthetightnessof the entire system Perform it...

Page 18: ...ber The output of the boiler ventilator is deliberately chosen with the purpose of sufficiently supplying the fire bed with air Then the most effective combustion of wood gases takes place Avoid a situation when the volume of the fire bed expands several times This situation can occur if very dry and thinly cut wood gets loaded into the fuel chamber Consequently the volume of the fire bed increase...

Page 19: ...ot enter the room Water temperature and pressure in the system are checked by readings of the thermometer manometer installed in the heating system Combustion Control Thestatusoftheboilerfiringprocesscanbeperceivedfromtheregulatorlamps Firingon or Firingoff seedescriptionof the regulators KR 4 3 Fig 11 The flame in the boiler can be checked by opening the door of the lower combustion chamber when ...

Page 20: ...r without the smoke temperature sensor Cleaning the Boiler Ashesareremovedfromtheboilerevery4 7days Openthedooroftheuppercombustionchamberandshovelashesdown to the lower chamber Open the door of the lower chamber take out only ceramic segments 3 Fig 2 pour ashes to a metal box Itisnotnecessarytotakeoutthetriangleceramicchopper2 Fig 2 atthetimeofcleaning ashesunderneathitmaybe raked using scraper I...

Page 21: ...tat has tripped light of the ventilator switch is off Unsrew the thermostat 1 Fig 10 cover and press the button under it It is absolutely required to define and remove the causes of tripping of this thermostat in order to avoid hazards to property and human health Electronic regulator KR 4 3 or ventilator is faulty Replace Power supply failure Check electric fuses of the electric panel of the buil...

Page 22: ... heat exchanger is limed in case the water or other liquid inside the boiler has been frozen in case of fault of the boiler due to improper operation in case of fault of the boiler due to improper connection to power supply in case the boiler parts are mechanically damaged in case the boiler is connected to the heating system not in accordance with the diagrams and requirements of the operation ma...

Page 23: Installation date Installation data Heightofthechimney Diameteroftheflue Draughtofthechimney Other information concerning installation The boiler was tested on site the control and safety elements were checked and found to be operating properly Person responsible for installation and testing Name surname signature of the employee I accept the installation works Name surname signature of the cli...

Page 24: ...repaired by Company technician Address Telephone Repairdate Informationonfault worksperformed Signatureofthetechnician Boiler repaired by Company technician Address Telephone Repair date Informationonfault worksperformed Signature of the technician ...

Page 25: ...attheabove mentionedproductsconformtotherequirementsofdirectives97 23 EECArticle2 3and2006 95 EEC The following standards were applied for the above mentioned products LST EN 303 5 LST EN 12828 LST EN 60335 1 LST EN 60529 ProcedureofconformityevaluationinaccordancewithArticle2 3of97 23 EECwasperformedby Inspecta www inspecta com Certification No 2 4 2 1 619 2012 Alytus 201 date Gražvydas Eimanavič...
