All programmes have a preselected cooking
temperature. It is possible to adjust it manually,
anywhere between 30°C and 225°C (if this
option exists).
programmes include
manual cooking programmes.
For each of these, the oven manages only the
essential parameters in order for all recipes to
succeed, from the most simple to the most
complex: temperature, heat source, humidity
level and for ode air circulation are the values
that ale controlled automatically, This chapter
was written with the invaluable help of our
culinary expert. We recommend following the
advice below to make the most of this
expertise and obtain perfect results in the
The choice of cooking modes, temperatures
and shelf levels are those that our culinary
expert use regularly to obtain the best results.
For each CREATION function, the following
table indicates whether the dish should be
placed in a cold or hot oven.
Following these recommendations guarantees
optimum results optimum results. To cook in a
preheated oven, wait for the set of audible
signals indicating that the oven has preheated.
The temperature set automatically according
possible to modify it to adapt it to a specific
It is also possible to select a cooking duration
with immediate or delayed start.
Starting up all the heating elements and the
fan. The heat is constant and evenly
distributed inside the oven, the air
Cooks and browns in a uniform manner all
over. A maximum of two cooking shelves may
be used simultaneously.
The upper heating element is connected. The
high, direct heat from the grill is
recommended for all foods that require a high
temperature on the surface. The oven door
stays closed during cooking.
The upper heating element, the circular
heating element, and the fan are all working.
The heat is radiated in a single direction, in
combination with the fan, inorder to spread
the heat evenly throughout the oven. This is
ideal for dishes that hat need both cooking and
browning, such as lasagna, etc.
The oven door stays closed during cooking.
For this traditional cooking programme, it is
best to cook on one level only. Recommended
for slow cooking or when using a bain-marie.
For a bain-marie, we recommend placing the
water directly in the enamel dish.
The upper heating element, the circular
heating element and the fan are all working.
The heat is radiated in a single direction, in
combination with the fan, in order to spread
the heat evenly throughout the oven. The risk
of burning food on the outside is greater and
the heat penetration is greater. The oven door
stays closed during cooking.
Both the circular heating element and the fan
are used, but only during the reheating phase.
The temperature of the oven is ideal for rising
dough. During the rising phase, do not open