ASTi Telestra Target Operations & Maintenance Manual (Ver. 2, Rev. M)
Copyright © 2020 Advanced Simulation Technology inc.
3.5.5. Audio and I/O Equipment Connection
External audio and I/O equipment such as headsets, microphones, amplifiers, preamplifiers, VCR
audio in/out, tape players, PTT switches, etc. are connected directly to ACENet audio devices.
3.5.6. Cabling
For minimum noise, individually shielded, twisted pair cable should be used for all audio lines.
Shields should be tied at a single point to a good earth ground and in general should not be
connected to audio ground.
The most important use of a shielded twisted pair is for the microphone line. Microphone lines
usually carry a very small signal and typically run next to the headset line which typically has a
much larger, higher current signal. The potential for additional noise and crosstalk is greatly
increased if proper cabling techniques are not used.
3.5.7. Software Upgrade
Users must perform a system cold start to upgrade the software. Please see the
Cold Start Procedure (DOC-02-TEL4-TCS-1).
Warning: Performing a system cold start to upgrade the software will cause complete
erasure of the system hard drive.
Before doing a software upgrade, the user should back up the system. For instructions on backing
up the system
, go to
"Configuration System Backup and Restore" in the Remote Management
System User Guide.