ASTi Telestra Target Operations & Maintenance Manual (Ver. 2, Rev. M)
Copyright © 2020 Advanced Simulation Technology inc.
2.2. Target Software Packages Overview
2.2.1. Operating System Software
Software on the Target system includes an ASTi-configured Linux™ OS and ACE software for
the sound and communications model runtime environment. Also included is ASTi's Remote
Management System application software providing remote management, configuration and
debug of ASTi systems over LAN/WAN from any standard computer with a proper web browser.
2.2.2. Support and Utilities Software
All Target configurations include Linux™ operating system software. Additional support and
operating system software packages may be installed depending on the Target configuration.
ASTi discourages the user from installing third-party packages. ASTi cannot guarantee that user-
installed software will not affect the performance or operation of the Target.
2.2.3. Software Licensing
The software included with the Target is ASTi proprietary and subject to the terms of the software
license agreement.