Z4 DataTraq
Wand Scanning Hints
Scanning should be uniform and rapid; fast scans work best.
Relax your hand - a stiff or jerky action won't produce good results.
Start scanning in the white space before the label, about a centimetre
from the bars.
Take care not to wander off part way through the barcode, and
follow through into the white space following the barcode.
The wand must remain in contact with the label, but there’s no need
to press down hard.
Labels are easiest to read on a flat surface.
Barcode Label Hints
You should try to avoid using poor quality labels or inappropriate
types of barcodes. If in doubt, discuss this with your dealer.
Try to guard against barcode damage such as:
Liquid spills on the barcode symbol (coffee, etc).
Ink smearing or erased bars which may result from excessive
pressure on the barcode surface.
Scratches through the barcode symbol.
Writing across the barcode symbol.
The use of a protective covering, such as “invisible” sticky tape or
clear Contact, will prolong the useful life of a barcode label.
The Z4 DataTraq has been designed to provide a high first read rate
when a good symbol is scanned. A low first read rate is normally
caused by either a damaged barcode symbol or improper operation of
the system by the operator.