Z4 DataTraq
The Z4 DataTraq is powered by rechargeable Nicad batteries, and data
stored in memory is maintained by a separate lithium power cell.
When you first receive your Z4 DataTraq, the batteries may not be fully
charged, so we suggest that you connect it to its Homebase and leave it
to charge overnight before using it. Remember that for charging to be
effective, the Homebase must be plugged in, the green
indicator must be lit, and the Z4 DataTraq must be turned off.
The battery life of your Z4 DataTraq will depend on the number of
barcode scans you make, and the type of scanner you’re using.
For example, a single battery charge would last for over 100 hours if
the Z4 DataTraq was turned on, but not used. At the other extreme,
using a Wand/2000, if you were able to scan barcodes non-stop, one
after the other without even a second’s break between scans, the
batteries would last for over 17 hours. In real use, a single battery
charge will last somewhere between those two figures.
When the Z4 DataTraq is used with ASP’s Barcode Zapper CCD
Scanner, the 17 hour “100% continuous use” figure above is reduced to
about 8 hours.
When the Z4 DataTraq’s batteries start to run low, the unit will beep,
and a low-battery warning symbol will appear on the screen. Even if
the batteries do run completely flat, stored data remains protected by an
additional lithium power cell.
Between barcode scans or keyboard entry, the Z4 DataTraq
automatically shifts into a battery-conserving low power mode.
Nevertheless, we suggest that to increase battery life, the unit should be
turned off with its power switch when you’re not using it.
Recharging of the batteries occurs automatically when the Z4 DataTraq
is connected to its Homebase, independent of whether it is turned on or
off, although greatest charging efficiency is obtained when the unit is
turned off. The Homebase must be powered by the wall power pack for
it to charge the Z4 DataTraq's batteries - the green
light on the
front of the Homebase will be lit when everything is connected