Control knob Parameter
Control (type = Vowel only) 0.0-128.0 Formant control
0.0-128.0 Cutoff frequency for most; vowel
control for Vowel filter
0.0-128.0 Controls resonance or Q
ENV 1 amount
+/- 64.0
Sets amount & polarity of Envelope 1
effect on filter
LFO 1 amount
+/- 64.0
Sets amount & polarity of LFO 1 effect
on filter
Vel Env
+/- 64.0
Allows velocity to set maximum
range of filter envelope
+/- 200% Scales filter response across
keyboard; C2 = center note
This parameter is visible only when the Filter
type is set to Vowel. It provides control over
location and spread of the formants, which
are certain peaks and nodes in the filter
frequencies that help to approximate the
resonance of the human vocal apparatus. Use
this with the Cutoff, Resonance, and Vowel
Order parameters for greater precision.
This controls the Cutoff frequency for every
filter type except the Vowel filter, for which
it becomes the vowel control. When Filter 1
is selected on the top panel, the Cutoff knob
also controls this parameter.
This adjusts the resonance of the filter. When
Filter 1 is selected on the top panel, the
Resonance knob in the Filter Controls section
also controls this parameter.
ENV 1 amount
This parameter defines the amount and
polarity of the effect Envelope 1 will have on
Filter 1. When Filter 1 is selected on the top
panel, the ENV 1 knob in the Filter Controls
section also controls this parameter.
There’s a similar, separate parameter for Filter 2.
Envelope 1 has a pre-wired connection to the
Filter section, which saves a mod route. But a
different envelope can be used to control the
filter if you want; just set this value to 0 and
create a new route via
LFO 1 amount
This parameter defines the amount and
polar ity of the effect LFO 1 will have on Filter 1.
When Filter 1 is selected on the top panel, the
LFO 1 knob in the Filter Controls section also
controls this parameter.
There’s a similar, separate parameter for Filter 2.
LFO 1 has a pre-wired connection to the
Filter section, which saves a mod route. But a
different LFO can be used to control the filter
if you want; just set this value to 0 and create a
new route via
Vel Env
This is an abbreviation for “Velocity to
Envelope”. It adjusts the depth of the filter
envelope based on note velocity: notes
played at maximum velocity allow Envelope
1 to have maximum impact on the filter
frequency, within the range set by the Env 1
amount parameter. It can be set negatively,
so that higher velocities reduce the range of a
positive-going filter envelope or increase the
range of a negative-going filter envelope.
There is a similar, separate parameter for
Filter 2.
Vel Env operates within the range set
by the Env 1 Amount parameter;
if you have no envelope amount set,
the parameter will do nothing.