Adjustment of the displayed washing time
Advanced technology allows the appliance to sense the amount of laundry and add the required amount of
water during the washing process. Depending on the washing load, washing time can be longer or shorter
and the time displayed will be adjusted accordingly.
Moreover, displayed washing time may change due to di
erences in inlet water temperature. At low inlet
water temperatures, washing time can be longer; at higher temperatures, it can be shorter.
Unevenly distributed laundry or lumps of laundry in the washing machine drum can cause problems such as
vibration and noisy operation. The appliance can sense such lumps and will try to redistribute the laundry.
Smaller loads (e.g. one towel, one sweater, one bathrobe etc.) or clothes made of materials with special
geometrical properties are virtually impossible to distribute evenly across the washing machine drum
(slippers, large items etc.). This results in several attempts to redistribute the laundry, which in turn leads to
longer program duration.