Fault indicators
In the case of a fault the following fault indicators are shown on the display.
Over flow fault, Overflow
Fault, Over flow fault,
Överfyllnad, Overløbsfejl,
Overflom, Ylitulviminen, Trop
plein, Überlauf, Troppo pieno,
Пeрeлив вoды
, Te
veel water
The microswitch is opened when a full
condensed water tank is detected. Detection
begins 30 seconds after the programme starts.
If the microswitch is open >30 seconds the
programme cycle is stopped.
Check whether the customer has:
• Emptied the tank and restarted the machine.
Service action:
• Clean hoses and check voltage and
resistance of drainage pump.
• Check that the float has not got “stuck” and check
the function of the microswitch.
Max Program Time, Max
program time , Maximal
programtid, Maksimal
programtid, Maks programtid,
Max ohjelma-aika, Durée maxi
prog., Tijd overschreden, Tempo
max. progr., Duración máx prog,
Пpeвышeниe вpeмeни,
The programme cycle time exceeds 200 minutes.
The cycle is stopped and the programme is reset.
High ambient temperature combined with low
heater output and low drying temperature leads
to poor condensation formation.
Poor condensation due to blocked external air
Check whether the customer has:
• Tried spinning at a higher
• Had the machine switched off for 30 minutes
before restarting.
• Good ventilation in the room.
Service action:
• Ensure that the external air has free passage.
Thermistor fault, Thermistor
Fault, Thermistor fault,
Termistorfel, Termostat fejl,
Termistor, Termistorivika,
Défaut , Termistorfehler,
Termistore , Fallo ,
Temp. sensor fout
1. Thermistor circuit open
2. Thermistor malfunction
Service action:
Check the thermistor. Replace if necessary.
Clean condenser, Rengör
kondensor, Rens kon.sator, Rens
kon.sator, Puhdista lauhdutin,
Nettoyage condenseur, Reinigen
kondensor, Pulizia condensatore,
Limpiar condensador,
, Kondenser reinigen
1. Displayed according to the interval set in
the service menu.
Check whether the customer has:
• Cleaned the condenser and the filter.
• Cleaned the other air passages.
Clean Lint Filter, Clean Lint
Filter, Rengör filtret, Rengør
fnugfilter, Rens filter, Puhdista
sihti, Nettoyage filtre, Reinig
filter, Pulizia filtro, Limpie el filtro,
Oчистить фильтp
, Sieb reinigen
1. Displayed according to the interval set in
the service menu.
Check whether the customer has:
• Cleaned the lint filter.
Clean auto filter, Rengör
autofilter, Rens aut. filter,
Rengjøring autofilter, Puhd. autom.
suodatin, Nett. filtre auto, Auto.
filter reinigen, Pulizia filtro auto,
Limpiar el autofiltro,
, Autofilter reinigen
1. Displayed according to the interval set in
the service menu.
Check whether the customer has:
• Cleaned the water filter.
Clean filter, Rengör filter, Rens
filter, Rengjøring filter, Puhd.
suodatin, Nett. Filtre, Filter
reinigen, Pulizia filtro, Limpiar el
Очистите фильтр
, Filter
1. Displayed according to the interval set in
the service menu.
Check whether the customer has:
• Cleaned the evaporator filter and the evaporator.
After carrying out corrective actions as above, reset the fault indication on the display by switching off the machine
at the main power switch.
Service Manual TD70.C