9dLD Locator, Version D
TD 92775EN / 14 December 2020 / Ver. D
Appendix A. Third Party Antennas
A.1.1 Purpose
Huber+Suhner article no. 22649572 has a radiation pattern that differs from the 9dLDA1.
A.1.2 Modify the antenna
The antenna must be modified if detection of open circuit is required.
1 Open the antenna casing and take out the antenna board.
2 Solder a 1/8 W, 3.3 kOhm carbon resistor, for example ELFA 60-055-57, to the PCB, in close
proximity to the coaxial connector.
Place the resistor body close to the feeder strip so that the wire connecting to it does not
extend more than necessary.
3 Solder the other end of the resistor to ground by bending the wire around the board edge.