2. After you finished the setting, you can see the following interface like Fig2.
3. +BUS voltage regulation: Type “BUSP+(-)XX” command (XX is two digits from 00
to 19), then press the “ENTER” key, +BUS voltage will rise(drop) a little step.
4. –BUS voltage regulation: Type “BUSN+(-)XX” command (XX is two digits from 00
to 19), then press the “ENTER” key, –BUS voltage will rise(drop) a little step.
5. INV output voltage tiny regulation: Type “V+(-)X” command (X is a digit from 0 to
6),then press the “ENTER” key, output voltage will rise(drop) a little step.
6. INV output voltage setting: Type “VXXX” command (XXX is 220/230/240), then
press the “ENTER” key, INV output voltage will be set to 220V/230V/240V.
7. UPS ID setting: Type “UPSID YYMMPPPXXXX” command (YY represents YEAR,
range: 00~15; MM represents MONTH, range: 01~12; PPP represents WORK
ORDER number, range: 000~511; XXXX represents SERIAL number, range:
Regulation Process for Single UPS
1. BUS voltage regulation: When the UPS run into the Line mode, measure
voltage with the multimeter. And then, regulate the
BUS voltages to 345