Document # 570-2225
5.2 Initial start up
The “Artex” programming software may be started by clicking on the “Artex ELT
Programmer” icon on the desktop or with the “Artex ELT Programmer” selection in the
Start Menu / Programs submenu. If the error message, “Unable to open selected COM
port” appears, hit “OK”.
The serial port that the Level Shifter will be connected to must be selected in software.
Select the CommPort menu and select the location where the Level Shifter is connected,
either COM1 or COM2. This setting will be retained even when the software is shut
down and computer turned off.
The printer location/selection must be set. The PrinterPort menu provides three options,
Windows Printer, LPT1, and LPT2. Chose the Windows Printer selection to use any
printer controlled by a Windows driver, including network printers. After making this
selection, a font window will appear. Select the font desired for use on the chosen
Windows printer. These settings will be retained. If a printer is attached directly to
LPT1 or LPT2, the “Artex” programming software will print raw text out these ports.
6 ELT Programming
Important: when working with any ELT, check that a 121.5MHz receiver is nearby, on, and
at adequate volume. This is necessary to catch and deactivate any ELT that may
accidentally be left on.
The ELT being programmed must properly perform all operations described in this set of
instructions. Any unit that fails any portion must be rejected and repaired.
6.1 Start Up
Check that a printer is connected to the proper printer port on the back of the computer or
via network. Check that computer and printer are on. From the Windows Desktop,
double-click the “Artex” icon. The programming window should now be open.
The correct baud rate setting must be established. Current setting is indicated in the main
programming screen and under the CommPort menu. The baud rate must be set to 9600 to