Document # 570-2225
calling NOAA at 1-888-212-SAVE or visit the NOAA web site at
click on "Beacon Registration Forms".
If the programming of a 406MHz ELT in a given aircraft changes, the aircraft
owner/operator must update all programming information with the appropriate local aviation
authorities. Realize that if a given aircraft’s ELT is replaced with one of identical
programming (or an auto-reprogramming function updates the programming to be the
same), the registration does not need to change. If the correct ELT programming is not
registered, search and rescue operations may be inefficient or nonexistent. An incorrect
false alarm conclusion may be made, or valuable time amidst a rescue effort may be lost.
Proper ELT registration is extremely important.
11.2 Artex Aircraft Supplies registration requirements
Artex Aircraft Supplies must be notified of any ELT that is reprogrammed. Artex
programming records must be current and correct to properly assist all search and rescue
operations. Fax or mail a completed copy of the “ARTEX 406 MHz PROGRAMMING
RECORD” included in this manual to the “Artex Repair Station Manager” for every ELT or
PA that is reprogrammed. A printout of the new 15 and 22/30 digit hex codes and decoded
message data must be included. The “Artex” software will create this printout. This will
also allow Artex to check that new programming is the proper format.
A printout of the new 15 and 22/30 digit hex codes and decoded message data must always
be included with the programming record that is returned to Artex. The “Artex” software
will create this printout.
12 Technical Assistance
Programming ELT’s with the proper information for the proper protocol is not always a
straightforward process.
Please be sure to thoroughly read this manual
. If assistance is
required, contact Artex Aircraft Supplies in the United States at 503-678-7929 or email to