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The Rotary effect simulates a 2-way rotating-speaker cabinet with a built in
crossover network. Rotating speakers are traditionally used with electric
organs, but contemporary uses include with guitars, vocals, drums, and just
about any sound that needs some added motion. Since this effect creates a
stereo simulation, it is not available in Discrete 4 routing. The rotary effect
gives you control over spin up velocity, spin down velocity, volume mix between the rotating low and high
speakers, rotor speed offset, and stereo spread. Some classes also contain dynamics sensing for level-based
ducking and speed control.
The Vocal Rotary is a full-featured rotary simulation that automatically switches between high and low spin
rates. This produces a rotary effect that is always changing. The Vocal Rotary will spin up for the length of the
Spin Up time and then immediately start spinning down. After the programmed Spin Down time, the effect will
repeat the process and again start spinning up. There is no need to manually switch between low and high
settings; this class is always moving.
The Instrument Rotary simulates dual rotating speakers enclosed in a wood cabinet. It has less “room” sound
and is more focused than the Concert class. Try this class with percussive material.
The Concert Rotary is the full-featured rotary simulation. It has the widest image and spin.
The Gated Rotary is the Concert Rotary effect with the addition of dynamics sensing, which can be used to
duck the effect in and out depending on input level. The Threshold level at which the effect is ducked is set
with the Special parameter.
The Ambient Rotary splits the effect into its low speaker and high horn components and then sends each to a
separate output. The low speaker is sent to the lower-numbered output (Output #1 or Output #3, depending
on which engine you are using) and the high horn is sent to the higher-numbered output (Output #2 or Output