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trigger the Smart Encoder’s stored action. Each preset can have one default function and it becomes active
as soon as the preset is loaded.
Whenever you enter Smart Encoder mode (by pressing Bypass and the Encoder), the default Smart Encoder
function appears first (its Routing, Engine, and Parameter LEDs are lit). To assign a different default function,
simply turn the Encoder to select another one and press Store twice. If you don’t want any default function
assigned, turn the Encoder to the left until all engine lights are off (
is in the Display) and then press
Store twice. When no default function is assigned, nothing will happen when the Encoder is pressed after that
preset is loaded.
Using the Smart Encoder while Editing Reverb, Delay, and Rotary Effects:
You can even trigger a Smart Encoder function while editing reverb, delay, and rotary effects. For
effects, you can trigger a reverb impulse while changing any parameter. This helps to
audition the quality as well as decay time and front-end characteristics of your reverb programs
while editing their parameters. To trigger an impulse, simply press and hold the Bypass button and
press the Encoder. As soon as the Encoder is pressed, the impulse will fire. Repeat as often as necessary.
While editing
effects, you can use the Encoder to tap in a new delay time. To do so, press and hold the
Bypass button and press the Encoder at the desired tempo. The Quadra/FX keeps a running average of the
time between all taps. As you are tapping, you will hear the new delay time and if you were currently editing
the effect’s Delay or Size parameter, you will see its updated value in the Display. Repeat this process to
change delay times as often as necessary.
You can also change the rotary effect’s spin rate (to either low or high) with the Smart Encoder. While editing
any rotary parameter, press and hold the Bypass button and press the Encoder. If you were currently editing
the effect’s Pitch parameter, you will see its updated value in the Display.