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These algorithms delay a signal in time. The maximum delay length, per
channel, is 2.75 seconds for Stereo routing and 1.25 seconds for all other
routings. Up to twelve delay taps are available and can be equally and
unequally spaced within the span of the delay length. Some of these classes
have dynamics sensing, which can use input level to switch the effect in and out or change the Regen value.
The Ambient class creates a special miked-speaker simulation.
The Vocal Delay is the traditional digital delay effect with the addition of dynamics sensing, which can be used
to fade the effect in and out when the Threshold (input level) setting is crossed. Threshold is set with the
Special parameter and Decay sets the effect’s fade time.
An Instrument Delay recreates the sound of the “classic” digital delay. Regeneration bandwidth is controlled to
produce the characteristic sound and to emphasize the most recent material.
The Concert Delay is full-featured with extended regeneration bandwidth.
The Gated Delay is the traditional digital delay effect with the addition of dynamics sensing, which can be
used to duck the effect in and out depending on the Threshold setting. Threshold is set with the Special
parameter and Decay sets the effect’s ducking times.
The Ambient Delay is a specialized multi-tap delay system for creating
stereo images. It can simulate close and far miking techniques. With
small Size settings, this algorithm emulates a close miked stereo
speaker cabinet. With large Size settings, you can realistically simulate
the miking of a wide speaker array, such as when recording a live