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NOTE: With Dry Kill active, a preset’s Mix parameter now sets the level of all sound coming out of the
Quadra/FX. For example, with a Mix setting of 0, no sound will come out of the unit (in other words, zero
percent of the wet signal is allowed to pass).
Global Mix is a function similar to Dry Kill, though it doesn’t necessarily remove the dry part of the sound.
Global Mix is a simple way to set every preset’s Mix parameter to a certain value. For example, if Global Mix is
set to 50%, each preset’s Mix value will become 50% (half dry and half wet). This function is useful when you
want to quickly audition all presets at the same Mix level. The change isn’t permanent; as soon as you turn off
Global Mix, all presets will return to their originally stored Mix level. You can even change and resave a
preset’s Mix level with Global Mix active. You will hear any Mix changes as you are making and saving them,
but as soon as you switch to a different preset or back to the changed one, the Global Mix value will again
override the setting that you just made. Of course, when you turn Global Mix off, the saved Mix value will be
the one that you hear.
Here’s a trick to quickly set several preset’s Mix parameter to a new value: Set Global Mix to whatever value
you desire, call up each of the presets you wish to change and individually save them (just press the Store
button twice). You don’t have to edit anything! When you turn Global Mix off, the newly-saved presets will have
their Mix values set to whatever Global Mix was originally set to. All other presets will remain unchanged.
Setting Dry Kill and Global Mix:
To adjust Dry Kill or Global Mix, start from Preset mode, press and hold the Bypass button, press the
Parameter button, and then release them both. Turning the Encoder now scrolls the Display through these
(normal operation of Preset’s Mix parameter),
(Dry Kill—dry sound is off), and
(Global Mix is on and set to this percentage). Changing Dry Kill or Global Mix takes effect immediately and
does not have to be saved. To exit Global Mix mode, press any key except Power, Store, and Bypass, or
simply press the Encoder.
NOTE: The Dry Kill state is retained when turning the Quadra/FX on and off. The Global Mix state, however, is
not retained; the unit defaults to each preset’s stored Mix level when turning power on.