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Special: In Vocal and Gated classes, Special sets the audio input level (Threshold) that controls the gating action of
the effect. This parameter can be set in 1-dB increments, from 1 to 30 dB below full-scale. Normally, when
the input signal is above the Threshold setting, the phaser is muted. With signals below the Threshold,
phasing is heard. If the value in the Display is preceded by an r (
), this gating action is reversed; signals
above the Threshold setting are phased and ones below are not.
Dynamic class uses the Quadra/FX’s dynamics sensing to trigger the LFO through one cycle of its sweep.
The Threshold range is the same as with the Vocal and Gated classes; it can be set in 1-dB increments,
from 1 to 30 dB below full-scale. When the input signal crosses above the set Threshold, the LFO is
triggered once through its cycle at the preset LFO Speed and Width. The LFO is reset when the input signal
falls below the Threshold level. Crossing the Threshold again will trigger another LFO cycle. Normally, the
LFO starts at its low value, sweeps through its high range, and ends back at its low value. However, if an r
) precedes the Threshold setting, the LFO will start at its high value, sweep through its low range and end
on its high value. In the case of the phaser, low and high LFO values correspond to low and high spectrum
A Threshold setting of
is also available to disengage all dynamics sensing.
When the Ambient Phaser is selected, the Special parameter sets the Difference Factor. This parameter
determines how much difference information (from a stereo mix) is processed by the Ambient algorithm.
The Difference Factor range is from 0 to 60. Normally, this parameter should be used at its highest setting
(60), to only process the difference material. At low settings, the effect processes the full mix (made up of
both difference and center information). Low settings help to strengthen the effect on material that has a
weak, or mostly mono, image.