Page 4 · 234B Series TEC TO-Can
Installation and Use
Configuring the mount:
Start by identifying the specific electrical configuration
style of your device from the illustrations below. The switch settings for each
style are illustrated on the following page. For two pin devices (style G), which
have their pins at the 3 o’clock and 9 o’clock posit
ions, the third switch must be
placed in the N/C position.
Style A
Style B
Style C
Style D
Style E
Style G
Style H
Laser Styles
The upper and lower holes of the laser socket, labeled the COM pins, are always
tied together. The PD and LD switches on either side of socket are to set the
polarity of the outside pin. For example, if your device has the laser cathode
common to the photodiode anode (lower left diagram above), when you plug in
your device, the left hole would have the photodiode cathode (except for style G
lasers, in which case, the left hole is
cathode), and the right hole would
have the laser anode.
When installing your laser, the isolated (non-common) photodiode pin goes into
the left (PD/LD) hole of the laser socket, and the isolated (non-common) laser
pin goes into the right (LD) hole of the laser socket. The common pin can go into
either the upper or lower hole.
For style G 2-pin packages, the laser anode pin should go into the right (LD)
hole of the socket while the laser cathode pin goes into the left (PD/LD) hole of
the socket.
If you have a 4-pin TO-can package where the laser and photodiode are
completely isolated from each other, the mount will connect the two pins that are
inserted into the COM positions of the socket. For example, consider the
following 4-pin laser configuration:
When inserted into the fixture as shown, the laser anode and photodiode
cathode pins will be connected together, making the laser equivalent to style A,
and the switches should be set accordingly.