The user can call any of the commands supported by the firmware. A standard input routine controls the
system while the user types a line of input. Command processing begins only after the line has been
entered and followed by a carriage-return.
1. The user memory is located at addresses $00010000-$xxxxxxxx, $xxxxxxxx is
the maximum RAM address of the memory installed in the board. When first
learning the system, the user should limit his/her activities to this area of the
memory map. Address range $00000000-$0000FFFF is used by dBUG.
2. If a command causes the system to access an unused address (i.e., no memory
or peripheral devices are mapped at that address), a bus trap error will occur.
This results in the terminal printing out a trap error message and the contents of
all the MCF5206 core registers. Control is returned to the dBUG monitor.
The command line editor remembers the last five commands, in a history buffer, which were issued.
They can be recalled and then executed using control keys.
Several keys are used as a command line edit and control functions. It is best to be familiar with these
functions before exercising the system. These functions include:
a. RETURN (carriage- return) - will enter the command line and causes processing to begin.
b. Delete (Backspace) key or CTRL-H - will delete the last character entered on the terminal.
c. CTRL-D - Go down in the command history buffer, you may modify then press enter key.
d. CTRL-U - Go up in the command history buffer, you may modify then press enter key.
e. CTRL-R - Recall and execute the last command entered, does not need the enter key to be
For characters requiring the control key (CTRL) , the CTRL should be pushed and held down and then
the other key (H) should be pressed.
Table 2-1 lists the dBUG commands. Each of the individual commands is described in the following