Control system
User's manual
Product code 1003418
print graphics on the screen is to use the McBasic graphics functions as decribed in McBasic
To adjust the screen contrast for optimum viewing angle, open the back cover of the unit and
adjust R26 (see fig. 2.2.1).
For more details on the use of terminal keycode programming, control sequences etc. please
refer to the ARLACON displays manual.
After configuration the inputs and outputs of the MC300 are available for use with the INP( )
and OUT( ) functions of McBasic.
For example:
OUT(200)=1 'turn on OUT(200)
DO UNTIL INP(35)=1 : LOOP 'wait until INP(35) on
For more details refer to McBasic manual.
A special feature of the MC300 McWay based i/o is the error values. In addition to the usual 0
and 1 the INP( ) and OUT( ) funtions can return negative values
if there is a fatal communications error in McWay data transmission.
if the module for which the i/o address is configured is not present in the McWay loop.
To edit your application program in a PC you can create an ASCII file and edit with a suitable
editor or word processor program.
To load the program to the MC300 control unit, use a terminal program capable to transfer
ASCII data with xon/xoff handshake. If using linenumbered code, the program can be
downloaded to the system as such. When using code with no line numbers, start loading the
program with a command:
After downloading the program, use ctrl-X from console to exit loading. If a syntax error is
detected when loading a numbered program, the faulty line will be left away. When detecting a
syntax error while loading an unnumbered program, McBasic exits load mode and stops
loading program.
Error messages are generated and send to console respectively.
A suitable terminal program for use with MC300 is the PROCOMM or (PCPLUS)
communications program.
To set PROCOMM for terminal and data transfer use with MC300, the terminal options, ascii
transfer options and line/port setup must be set to suit MC300 communications.