( System is reboot automatically and applied)
[1] YY / MM / DD : select a display format.
• ASIA : YYYY/MM/DD --> 2006/05/31
• US : MM/DD/YYYY --> 05/31/2006
• EURO : DD/MM/YYYY --> 31/05/2006
[2] Daylight Saving Time : It is commonly called as “Summer time”. During the period,
user can change system time 1 hour early or late.
[3] Time Server : It helps time set of DVR automatically by synchronization of time server service.
• Time server : Input the URL of server
• Sync Cycle : Select the period to syncronize between DVR and time server
• GMT : Select GMT time zone where user located in.
• TEST : Check the connection status of time server.
In case DVR is not connected with internet or time server name is not collect, DVR
gives beep and error message. Press “CONFIRM” button to off sound and see a error