3. If parallelism is not within specifica-
tions, the parallelism must be cor-
rected by first loosening all the
engine mounting bolts (left side,
front, and right top rear). Then, pry
the front of the engine towards the
MAG-side of the engine compart-
ment. Next, tighten the left-side
mounting bolts followed by the front
and right-top rear bolts. Re-check
the parallelism. If still out of specifi-
cation, repeat correction procedure.
— Proper carburetion is abso-
lutely necessary to obtain peak perfor-
mance. Since ambient temperature and
operating altitude both affect the main jet
size needed for optimum engine perfor-
mance, the main jets MUST be changed
whenever the temperature changes 20° F
or whenever operating altitude varies by
more than 1000 feet. The Carburetor Jet
Chart on the belt guard of the snowmo-
bile identifies the proper main jets to use
under all operating temperatures and alti-
tudes. Follow the Carburetor Jet Chart
carefully to obtain peak engine perfor-
mance and avoid engine damage.
— It is not necessary to
exceed the recommended 87 octane gaso-
line. Using a higher octane gasoline will
not increase overall performance.