Miscellaneous Items
Inspect your air fi lter. Look for debris
or damage that may indicate you
need to replace it. A clogged fi lter
can stop an engine. Check your
battery terminals for corrosion. Also, be sure to tighten any loose
parts, nuts, or bolts.
First Aid and Survival
You need to prepare for the unexpected. Emergencies and accidents
are traumatic enough, but they’re even worse when you’re not
prepared for them. At the minimum during every ATV ride, you should
have the following items on board:
• Tools
• Water
• Identifi
First Aid Kit*
*requested by law in some countries.
• Safety
• Warning
For rides that are longer in duration and distance, the following
additional items are recommended:
• Money
• Maps
Emergency Kit (with Flashlight and First Aid Kit)
Routine maintenance will generally
eliminate the need for emergency
repairs. Riding on rough terrain
could cause loosening of nuts,
bolts, and fasteners. Especially on
long rides, carrying the right tools
can prevent an inconvenience from
becoming a crisis.
1. Air fi lter
2. Battery
3. Tighten parts, nuts and bolts
1. Bulbs
2. Duct tape
3. Rope
4. Spark plugs
5. Spare parts
6. Tool Kit