Figure 1: New AR.Drone vehicle
Vehicle profile needs to be assigned to allow mission planning with this vehicle. Vehicle avatar should be
assigned in vehicle profile to properly see the vehicle location on map.
Multiple drones connection
All AR.Drone vehicles in default configuration use the same IP address, so it is not possible to connect multiple
AR.Drone vehicles to the same computer without doing non-standard vehicle reconfiguration. Community written
instructions about how to do it exist, but they are not officially supported by AR.Drone manufacturer Parrot. The
easiest way how to connect multiple AR.Drone vehicles to U[g]CS is to connect each vehicle to its own computer
with AR.Drone VSM running on it:
Figure 2: Multiple AR.Drone vehicles connection
In this case Automatic VSM Discovery protocol should discover all vehicles that are connected to PCs within cur-
rent local area network. Some times it is necessary trough to add addresses of all computers to U[g]CS VSM
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