Keep in mind, as you tune your Minimono for top speed and han-
dling, that this boat IS SMALL! Because of its size it only needs
very small adjustments to change the way the boat performs.
Your Minimono has VERY ag-
gressive steering. It’s important to keep this in mind as
you tune it. The rudder only needs a small amount of de-
flection to make the boat turn sharp. Setting the rate knob
too high (clockwise) can upset the handling of the boat.
The strut can be “tweaked” to change the ride of
the boat but this is somewhat advanced. If you are go-
ing to tweak the strut, remove the prop shaft and prop
and slip a length of larger but tightly fitting tubing over the
strut and very carefully bend it. Bending it up will remove
the load from the prop and lowering it will add load.
Pay particular attention to the placement of
the stuffing tube (strut). You will see it’s off-
set on the transom of the boat to the right.
Try not to inadvertently bend the tube to the right.
Tweak the strut by moving it only a tiny amount.
Anything past 1°or 2° could be too much!