AQUA ULTRAVIOLET 42371 AVENIDA ALVARADO TEMECULA CA 92590 TEL: 951-296-3480 FAX: 951-296-3490
Does the Ozone UV Unit have any residual effect to the fish?
No, UV only affects what passes through the chamber. There is no residual effect from UV light. The Ozone
injected into the water line is dissipated as it passes by the Ultraviolet light in the UV chamber.
Does the Ozone UV kill good bacteria?
Ultraviolet light and Ozone do not discriminate about what they destroy. If good bacteria passes by the light
it will be destroyed. Beneficial bacteria are colonized in your filter and along the sides and bottom of your pond.
The only time those will be affected is if it becomes free floating and passes through the Ozone UV Unit.
How often should I change my lamp?
The lamp should be changed after 14 months of continuous use. Use Genuine Aqua UV Lamps or the
Warranty is voided.
Do I need to purchase a Venturi?
Yes, in order to utilize the ozone a Venturi must be installed with you unit . Purchase a 3/8” Ozone to hook
up to the Venturi. For optimum results an air dryer is recommended.