600D and 675D Use and Care Guide
Winterizing the Domestic Water Heating System
The Aqua-
Hot’s domestic water heating system must
be completely drained of domestic water at any time the heat-
er is stored where freezing temperatures may be experienced.
Please follow these instructions when winterizing the
Aqua-Hot domestic water heating system. Reference figure 4
for a system overview.
1. Completely drain the fresh water storage tank
2. Disconnect the domestic water demand pump suction line
from the fresh water storage tank
3. Attach an adequate piece of hose onto the suction side of
the domestic water demand pump
4. Place the opposite end of the hose into an adequate sup-
ply of FDA-
approved “GRAS” RV antifreeze and allow the
fluid to pump through
5. Open and close all interior and exterior water faucets one
at a time, until ONLY pure RV antifreeze is present. Per-
form this procedure for both cold and hot water faucets
6. Remove the hose and reconnect the domestic water de-
mand pump’s suction line to the fresh water storage tank
To de-winterize the Aqua-Hot system, completely fill
the fresh water storage tank. Open and close the interior and
exterior faucets, one at a time, until only clear water is pre-
Disinfecting the Domestic Water System
Aqua-Hot systems contain copper tubing and are not
compatible to prolonged exposure to sodium hypochlorite
(bleach or liquid bleach.) Using products containing bleach,
including water refreshers, may cause corrosion of the domes-
tic water coil, resulting in a catastrophic failure of the Aqua-
Hot system by creating leaks that cannot be repaired. This
damage is not covered by the Aqua-Hot warranty.
If disinfecting the hot water heating system, be sure
to follow NFPA 1192 Standard on Recreational Vehicles
“Instructions for Disinfection of Potable Water Systems.”
NOTE: The Aqua-Hot can continue to be used for interior
zone heat once the domestic water heating system has
been drained and winterized.
Not winterizing the Aqua-Hot when freezing temperatures
are present will result in serious damage to the Aqua-Hot
domestic water heating system. Ensure that FDA approved
“GRAS” antifreeze rated for winterization is used when win-
terizing this unit.
To Hot Water Faucets
Domestic Hot Water Out
Domestic Cold Water In
To Cold Water
Fresh Water
Storage Tank
Demand Pump
Figure 4