If no device with identical serial number is found on the computer, the element will
be assigned to the first device found of identical type.
When importing complex pages with elements referring to more than one device, it
is recommended to edit the device assignment in the file using a text editor prior to
8. Data quick view and data log (aquasuite)
Data quick view and data log (aquasuite)
Data quick view and data log (aquasuite)
Data quick view and data log (aquasuite)
All data currently monitored by the aquasuite can be accessed in the “Data quick
view” section. This includes data from connected USB devices as well as hardware
data supplied by the Aqua Computer background service. Displayed data may be
filtered using the text box next to the magnifier icon, a chart shows the develop-
ment over a maximum of ten minutes. All data shown here is not stored perma-
In contrast, the “Data log” may be used to selectively and permanently store data
from all connected Aqua Computer devices and hardware data supplied by the
background service. Logged data can then be analyzed by creating charts or be
exported to files. Data is only logged while the aquasuite software is being execut-
8.1. Log settings
Log settings
Log settings
Log settings
The log settings can be accessed by clicking the “Log settings” element
below the “Data log” headline in the listing. To log data, create a new
log data set by clicking the plus symbol in the upper right corner of the
settings window. Enter name, time interval and configure automatic deletion of old
data to meet your requirements. You may then add the data sources to log by
clicking the plus symbol in the “Data sources” window section. You may add an
unlimited number of data sources to each log data set, the total number of log
data sets is also unlimited.
8.2. Analyze data
Analyze data
Analyze data
Analyze data
Logged data can be visually evaluated as charts. To do so, select “Ana-
lyze data” below the “Data log” headline in the listing. The chart will ini-
tially be empty, directly below the chart are eight buttons to modify the
chart. In the lower section of the window, the chart data can be configured.
To add data to the chart, first select the “Data sources” tab in the chart configura-
tion and select a data set to be displayed. If no data sources are available, you
will have to configure the log settings as described in the chapter “Log settings” of
this manual. Select the time period to be displayed on the right side of the window
and add the data to the chart by clicking the “Add data to chart” button. Repeat
this procedure if you want to display more than one data set in the chart.
You may modify the chart using the “Chart setup” and “Data series setup” tabs.
Finally, you can use the “Chart manager” tab to save the current chart configura-
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Aqua Computer GmbH & Co. KG
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Gelliehäuser Str. 1, 37130 Gleichen