Australian Pipeline Valve - Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual
1.2.1 Temporary Storage
If valves are to be stored before installation, the following should be observed:
a) Keep the valves wrapped and protected as shipped from the manufacturer.
b) Do not remove the protective end covering until the valve is ready for installation. This will reduce the
possibility of foreign material damaging the internal valve components.
c) Valves stored outdoors should be positioned such that water does not accumulate in the valve body.
1.2.2 Long Term Storage
If valves are to be stored more than one year, they should be prepared in the following manner:
a) Remove the packing and apply a preservative to the packing chamber.
b) Do not remove the protective end covering.
c) Do not store the valves outdoors.
a) Remove the valve end protection.
b) Prior to shipment, a preservative/corrosion inhibitor may have been applied to the inner body of the
valve. This preservative/corrosion inhibitor can be removed with a solvent provided the solvent used
does not affect the seats/seals used in the valve.
c) The inside of the valve should be inspected and blown out with compressed air. Adjacent piping must
be clean and free from debris to prevent damage to the valve.
d) To prevent valve distortion, inefficient operation or early maintenance problems, support piping on
each side of the valve.
e) Make sure the valve is positioned such that there is sufficient space so that the hand wheel is easily
and safely reached and there is enough clearance for the stem when the valve is open.
f) Install the valve according to the flow indicator on the valve body where applicable.
2 . 0 I N S T A L L A T I O N
Piping should be properly aligned and supported to reduce mechanical loading on
end connections. Never use the lever (wrench) to hold the valve during transport,
handling or assembly.
The following procedure is required to be followed for correct installation.
a) Before installation confirm the marking (rating, size and material) on the valve body and name plate.
Ensure the valve is suitable for the service which it is being used.