Level 4
Power-LED blinking green
LQ-LED blinking magenta
In level 4, the LT output (terminal 8) can be switched to common output priority
2. As soon as at least one input of the group 1 is assigned to the common
output priority 2, the function is activated. Fault inputs that are assigned to
priority 2 no longer activate the common output priority 1.
The red blinking LED signals the selected fault input. Press LQ to change the
LED off = not activated
LED lights green = activated on common output priority 2
Level 5
Power-LED blinking green
LQ-LED blinking yellow
In level 5, the LED colour can be selected separately for each input of group 1.
The inputs of group 1 light up in the previously selected colour; the colour
changes with each press of the the LQ button. The colours available are red,
green, yellow, dark blue, magenta, light blue and white.
Level 6
Power-LED blinking green
LQ-LED blinking dark blue
In level 6, the LED colour can be selected separately for each input of group 2.
The inputs of group 2 light up in the previously selected colour; the colour
changes with each press of the the LQ button. The colours available are red,
green, yellow, dark blue, magenta, light blue and white.