When the programming mode is activated, LSE-D16 indicator unti starts at the
level 1. The levels can be changed in active programming mode using the HQ
and LT navigation keys. If for example Level 2 is active on operating input 1,
pushing the HQ keys switches the LSE-D16 indicator unit to level 1.
Level 1
Power-LED blinking green
Input-LED blinking green
Level 1 is used to set if the inputs of group 1 are a NO closing contact or a NC
opening contact. The green flashing LED signals the selected fault indicator
input. The LQ key is used to switch the function:
Red LED off = NO closing contact
Red LED on = NC opening contact
Level 2
Power-LED blinking green
Input-LED blinking red
Level 2 is used to set if the inputs of group 2 are a NO closing contact or a NC
opening contact
The red flashing LED signals the selected operating input
The LQ key is used to switch the function
Green LED off = NO closing contact
Green LED on = NC opening contact