Industrial micro IDE Flash (MIF) Module - HERMIT Series © 2010 APRO Co., Ltd.
2.3. Product
check your product within 8 hours since arrival.
Form”, it will be for repairing.
onsistency with the “RMA Request Form” description,
APRO will contact and confirm the status with the customer before proceeding.
2.4. Repair
A engineer will repair the defect as described by the customer. The products will also be
sure it is in proper working order.
s within 48 hours, and no failure occurs during testing, the
F. (No testing failure).
low conditions:
number and quantity will be clearly marked on the package.
The customer will receive an e-mail notification of the product RMA number and shipping advice.
information that includes the shipping date, the name of carrier and the tracking number of the
APRO’s RMA engineer will
If the product arrives undamaged and conforms to the conditions described on the “RMA Reques
If the product is damaged or there is some inc
The RM
tested to en
If no additional problems are detected, APRO will notify the customer
If the customer does not reply u
product will be processed as NT
2.5. Charge
The customer will be charged for repairs under be
RMA is out of the warranty period
RMA or DOA terms apply, but it is determined by APRO’s RMA engineer that the defect was
caused by abuse, misuse or unauthorized repair.
Package and Delivery to the customer
We will properly pack the repaired product along with a RMA