ST5/10-Si,-Q,-C, IP Hardware manual
920-0004 Rev. C
RS-485 Address panel appear. Just click on the address character of your choice. You can use the numer
als 0..9 or the special characters ! “ # $ % & ‘ ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ . Just make sure that each drive
on your network has a unique address. If you are using a 2 wire network, you may need to set the Transmit
Delay, too. 10 milliseconds works on the adapters we’ve tried. Once you’ve made your choices, click Down-
load to save the settings to your drive.
Assigning CANopen Addresses
Each node on a CANopen system must have a unique Node ID. Valid ranges for the Node ID are 0x01
through 0x7F. Node ID 0x00 is reserved in accordance with DS301. The Node ID is selected using two rotary
switches; one sixteen position switch and one eight position switch. The sixteen position switch is located
just to the left of the CANopen connector. The eight position switch is located inside the drive, and may only
be accessed by removing the cover of the drive. It is recommended that the internal switch be left at the fac-
tory default setting “0”. However, if additional Node IDs are required, it is possible to access them using the
internal switch.
The Node ID is a concatenation of the two switch values. To set the Node ID to 0x3B, for example, turn the
internal eight position switch to the value “3”, and the sixteen position switch to the value “B”.
Please refer to the CANopen manual for more information.