Document No. D109-010
Page 83 of 108
Revision 1.15
Critical Messages Tx
The number of critical DNP3 packets sent by the module when security is
Critical Messages Rx
The number of critical DNP3 packets received by the module when security
is enabled.
Messages Discarded
The number of DNP3 packets discarded by the module.
Error Messages Tx
The number of error DNP3 packets sent by the module.
Error Messages Rx
The number of error DNP3 packets received by the module.
Checksum errors
The number of corrupted DNP3 packets received by the module.
The number of message response timeouts the module has encountered.
Parity errors
The number of bytes with parity errors received by the module.
Assign Class Received
This is currently reserved.
Time Update Received
This number is the amount of times the DNP3 Master has sent a time
update command to the DNP3 Outstation.
Deadband Update Received
This is currently reserved.
Broadcast Message Received
This is the number of DNP3 Broadcast messages received.
Unsolicited Command Received This is the number of DNP3 Unsolicited (enable or disable) commands
Table 7.3 – DNP3 statistics
Logix Data Type Mismatch - Read
The data type in Logix (atomic or UDT) did not match the DNP3 data
type during a read operation.
Logix Data Type Mismatch - Write
The data type in Logix (atomic or UDT) did not match the DNP3 data
type during a write operation.
Write Seq Index Out Of Order
DNP3 allows the user to write data in a non-sequential manner by
using DNP3 object prefixes. For example, a single write operation can
be targeted to array offset 2, 3, 4, and 8. This is not allowed in the DNP3
Router due to the nature of the CIP communication protocol.
The user will need to write array offset 2, 3, and 4 and then in a
separate write function write to offset 8.
DNP3 Request Data Too Large
The request data is too big. The DNP3 Router allows for a maximum of
1000 bytes per transaction.
Mapped Item Not found
The DNP3 request has a range that is outside of the configured DNP3
mapping bounds for the specific group and variation.
Received Event Item Not Found
This is currently reserved.
DNP3 Request Too Many Objects
The DNP3 Router supports a maximum of 10 DNP3 objects in a single
DNP3 request. These statistics indicates that more than 10 DNP3
objects were found in a single request.