Document No. D109-010
Page 25 of 108
Revision 1.15
Figure 3.17 - Security configuration
The Master Events configuration consists of the following parameters:
Event Unload Mode
When the DNP3 Router is set in Scheduled (Master) Mode it can unload Events
from DNP3 Outstations in one of two ways:
Class Mode
Events will be unloaded by class (e.g. class 1, 2, 3). Class mode supports both
polled and unsolicited events.
Class Mode
for the Event Unload Mode will enable the Event Classes
configuration on the setup form.
Group Mode
In this mode Events will be unloaded by group (e.g. Group 32 Analog Inputs
Events). Each group will be individually polled for new events for each Outstation.
Unsolicited events are not supported in this mode.
Group Mode
for the Event Unload Mode will enable the Event Groups
configuration on the setup form
Logix Controller
When the DNP3 Router (in Master mode) receives events (by polling or by
unsolicited reporting) it will be unloaded into a Logix Event buffer array.
The Logix Controller parameter is the controller selected from the Master Tag
Map controller list which the DNP3 Router will use to update the events received.
Logix Event Buffer Tag
When the DNP3 Router (in Master mode) receives events (by polling or by
unsolicited reporting) it will be unloaded into a Logix Event buffer array.
The Logix Event Buffer Tag parameter is the Logix Tag selected from the selected
Logix Controller which the DNP3 Router will use to update the events received.
: This tag type must be an array of the buffer event UDT.
See section 5.4