A-1 Time difference
Place the cursor alongside “S. Diff”, press [ENT]. The time difference will be reverse
highlighted on the LCD, rotate the main dial to set the correct time difference (in
hours between -24 and 24 hours, 0 being the current time zone of the main clock),
followed by [ENT]. The local time and date is calculated by the AR7000 and
displayed in green in the lower half of the LCD.
{figure 117}
A-2 Name
Place the cursor alongside “S.Name” press [ENT]. The name editor screen will be
displayed (refer to section 7 of this manual for further information on the name
editor). You can write an appropriate name for the time zone using a maximum of
seven characters.
6.3 Timer
The AR7000 has five built-in timers which enable the radio to be automatically
switched on and off at preset times, this is very useful for unattended tape recording
of interesting broadcasts etc.
While in the “Configuration” menu, place the cursor alongside “Timer Setup” then
press [ENT]. The timer set-up menu screen will be displayed.
{figure 118} {figure 119}
6.3.1 Selection of timer
Rotate the main dial to select one of the five timers 0 to 4.
{figure 120}
6.3.2 Date
The cursor will initially be placed alongside “Date”, press [ENT]. Set the date you
wish the timer to become active, the current day is 00, tomorrow is 01 to a maximum
of 31 days. Use the main dial or [
←] [→]
keys select the date then press [ENT].
When you select the date as “00”, the timer will activate daily.
{figure 121}
6.3.3 Hour
Place the cursor alongside “Time”, press [ENT]. Push the [
←] [→]
keys to alternate
between hour and minute. Rotate the main dial to select the hour and minute you
wish the timer to activate then press [ENT].