The manual scan process will stop as soon as an active signal above squelch
threshold is received. The scan will resume when such signal has disappeared. You
can force the scan to resume even if the signal is present by rotating the main dial.
The scan direction depends on the direction which the main dial is rotated or
direction of the [
←] [→]
keys. If only a small number of memory channels have been
selected (less than 80), the spectrum analysis trace may only occupy part of the LCD
width. The vertical cursor will
between the two edges of the selected scan
4.4.2 Brk (Break)
Push the [RUN/BRK] key while scan is in progress to temporarily stop (break) the
manual scan process. The scan will stop immediately and the legend ”Brk” will be
displayed on the LCD.
{figure 83}
Rotate the main dial or use the [
←] [→]
keys to tune around the memory channels
upward or downward within the limits of the currently displayed spectrum window, the
dark vertical cursor will follow the movement accordingly.
4.4.3 Terminate the manual scan
Push the [ENT] key while the scan is in progress. The AR7000 will revert to memory
mode still retaining the current memory channel.
Push the [ESC] key to revert to memory mode with the previously selected memory
channel displayed (before the scan first began).
4.5 Program search
Press the [SEARCH] key in the dial mode or memory mode. The “Program Search”
menu will be displayed.
4.5.1 Selection of the program search bank
There are eight program search banks. A highlighted cursor is displayed on the
current program search bank. Rotate the main dial to select the desired program
search bank number (0 to 7), the program details displayed will help identify which
bank is required.
{figure 84}
4.5.2 Run
Push the [RUN/BRK] key to start the program search action. The legends
“P.SEARCH” and “Run” will be displayed on the LCD.