Push [0] [.] [9] [5] [4] [ENT]
From there rotate the main dial to tune around the medium wave band radio stations.
{figure 13}
B Memory mode
The AR7000 is equipped with a total of 1500 memory channels (100 ch x 15 banks).
Each memory channel can be given an alpha-numeric ident of up to 7 letters for ease
of identification, the ident is displayed to the upper left of the frequency (under the
legend “MEMORY”). Memory channels are useful stores for regularly monitored
frequencies to save laborious key strokes and repetitiveness, they are also used for
fast reviewing of channels when automatically hunting for active transmissions -
To quickly transfer data from dial mode to memory, press the [FREQ] key while in the
VFO mode, do not hold the key… just a quick tap will do! The current (top)
frequency on the LCD will change colour to red. Press the [ENT] key to transfer the
receive data (frequency, receive mode, AGC, ATT, SQ setting) to the next available
memory channel of the present bank. Refer to section 2.6 of this manual.
Memory data may be entered into each channel & bank using the EDIT facility then
swapped around and rearranged. Various frequencies are entered into the AR7000
memory channels during manufacture & test. See section 3.5 of this manual for
information on memory edit.
Recall the memory channel
1. Push the [
or [
key to obtain MEMORY mode on the screen (upper of the two
large frequency readouts).
{figure 14}
2. Rotate the main dial to step through the memory channels. Any memory channels
which do not have valid data will not be shown. The channel and bank number is
displayed at the top right of frequency readout in the format 00 to 99 for channel
number followed by 00 to 14 for the bank number. For example, “21/03” represents
channel 21, bank 03… you may refer to it as 2103 for ease of expression (ch/bk).
3. Press [BANK] (the bank LCD legend will reverse) and rotate the main dial to step
through the memory banks. Push [ENT] when the desired memory bank is selected.
{figure 15}
C Search mode
In the search mode, the receiver will step through the frequency spectrum at the
specified step size looking for active signals. The AR7000's LCD display will