The squelch threshold is shown as a light blue horizontal line, when temporarily
stopped, a vertical dark cursor bar indicates current receive frequency. The larger
the signal received, the higher the green bars of spectrum analysis, however, there is
no way of showing real time signal strength on the spectrum display (refer to the s-
meter in the top left corner of the LCD for current signal strength).
4.3 Manual search
4.3.1 Run
Push the [RUN/BRK] key while in dial mode to start a manual search from the
currently displayed frequency. The “M.SEARCH” legend will be displayed and the
search will commence.
{figure 80}
The manual search process will stop as soon as an active signal above squelch
threshold is received. The search will resume when such signal has disappeared.
You can force the search to resume even if the signal is present by rotating the main
dial. The search direction depends on the direction which the main dial is rotated or
direction of the [
←] [→]
4.3.2 Brk (Break)
Push the [RUN/BRK] key while search is in progress to temporarily stop (break) the
manual search process. The search will stop immediately and the legend ”Brk” will
be displayed on the LCD.
{figure 81}
Rotate the main dial or use the [
←] [→]
keys to tune around the frequencies upward
or downward within the limits of the currently displayed spectrum window, the dark
vertical cursor will follow the movement accordingly.
4.3.3 Ending the manual search
Push the [ENT] key at any time to return to the dial mode while retaining the currently
displayed frequency (transfer the frequency to VFO-A).
Push the [ESC] key to return to dial mode reverting to the frequency in use before the
manual search was selected.
4.4 Manual scan
4.4.1 Run
Push the [RUN/BRK] key while in memory mode. The legend “M.SCAN” will be
displayed on the LCD.
{figure 82}