17 (136)
General Information
The built-in file system hosts 28 Mb of nonvolatile storage, which can be accessed by the HTTP
and FTP servers, the e-mail client, and the host application (through the Anybus File System In-
terface Object (0Ah).
Maximum number of directories and files that can be stored in the root directory is 511, if only
short filenames are used (8 bytes name + 3 bytes extension). If longer filenames are used, less
than 511 directories/files can be stored. This limitation does not apply to other directories in the
file system.
The file system uses the following conventions:
\ (backslash) is used as a path separator
Names may contain spaces, but must not begin or end with one.
Valid characters in names are ASCII character numbers less than 127, excluding the
following characters: \ / : * ? “ < > |
Names cannot be longer than 48 characters
A path cannot be longer than 126 characters (filename included)
See also...
Server Side Include (SSI), p. 87
The file system is located in flash memory. Due to technical reasons, each flash
segment can be erased approximately 100000 times before failure, making it
unsuitable for random access storage.
The following operations will erase one or more flash segments:
Deleting, moving or renaming a file or directory
Writing or appending data to an existing file
Formatting the file system
System Files
The file system contains a set of files used for system configuration. These files, known as “sys-
tem files”, are regular ASCII files which can be altered using a standard text editor (such as the
Notepad in Microsoft Windows™). The format of these files are, with some exceptions, based
on the concept of keys, where each keys can be assigned a value, see below.
Example 1:
value of Key1
value of Key2
40 EtherCAT
Network Guide
SCM-1202-034 1.1