15 (136)
Data exchange
Application Data (ADI)
Application Data Instances (ADIs) can be accessed from the network via dedicated object en-
tries in the Manufacturer Specific range and the Profile range (2001h - FFFFh). The SDO infor-
mation protocol allows nodes to retrieve the name and data type of the ADI.
See also...
Manufacturer and Profile Specific Objects, p. 26
Process Data
ADIs mapped as Process Data will be exchanged cyclically as Process Data Objects (PDOs)
on the bus. The actual PDO map is based on the Process Data map specified during startup or
how the application is implemented. It can be changed from the network during runtime, if the
application has implemented the remap commands in the Application Data Object.
The module supports up to 6 TPDOs and up to 6 RPDOs, each supporting up to 254 SDO map-
pings. Each SDO equals one Process Data mapped ADI element (i.e. mapping multiple element
ADIs will result in multiple SDO mappings). The number of TPDOs and RPDOs can be ex-
tended if the Assembly Mapping Object is implemented.
To gain in configurability, the Assembly Mapping Object can be used to remap and replace the
Process Data map specified at startup. Each PDO will be represented by an instance in the As-
sembly Mapping Object. The PDOs will then be remapped when the module enters the Safe-
Operational state.
If the Modular Device Object is implemented, i.e. the Modular Device Profile is enabled, the As-
sembly Mapping Object will be ignored.
Preferably, the EtherCAT Slave Information file should be altered to match the actual Process
Data implementation. This is not a general requirement, but it has a positive impact on compati-
bility with 3rd party masters.
See also...
Manufacturer and Profile Specific Objects, p. 26
Assembly Mapping Object (EBh), p. 67
Application Data Object (see Anybus CompactCom 40 Software Design Guide)
Modular Device Object (see Anybus CompactCom 40 Software Design Guide)
40 EtherCAT
Network Guide
SCM-1202-034 1.1