If the INERGEN agent supplied quantity is close to the
INERGEN agent required quantity and multiple areas
are to be protected the designer may wish to add an
additional cylinder to allow enough agent for adjusting of
nozzle agent quantities to achieve proper concentrations
in all areas.
Total Flooding (Continued)
STEP NO. 8 – Determine number of INERGEN cylinders
To determine the number of cylinders required, divide the
quantity of INERGEN agent for the entire system by the
actual cylinder capacity and then round up to the next
whole number. NOTE: The INERGEN cylinder size listed
on the Component Sheet is a nominal cylinder size. The
quantity entered into the calculation should be the Minimum
Fill Quantity in the Cylinder. Refer to the table below for
exact quantities.
Nominal Cylinder
Actual INERGEN Agent
575 cu. ft.
572 cu. ft.
1009.9 ft
Total Agent Required ÷ 572 ft
Cylinder Size =
1.77 = 2 cylinders Required
STEP NO. 9 – Calculate the actual quantity of INERGEN
agent supplied
To calculate the Actual Quantity of INERGEN agent sup-
plied, multiply the actual capacity of the INERGEN cylin-
ders chosen by the quantity of cylinders determined in Step
No. 8. The result must be higher than the required amount
determined in Step No. 7.
572 ft
x 2 = 1144 ft
INERGEN Agent Supplied
STEP NO. 10 – Calculate the actual INERGEN agent
supplied per area
This step is required to split the extra agent evenly between
the areas so that they all achieve the same concentration
instead of over-concentrating some and under-concentrat-
ing others. The calculation is a simple percentage calcula-
tion where the area minimum agent quantity is divided by
the system minimum agent quantity to determine the per-
cent required for the area in question. Once the percentage
is determined, it is applied to the total supplied agent quan-
tity to determine how much of the supplied quantity is to be
applied to the area in question.
The formula for determining the actual INERGEN agent
quantity supplied per area being protected is:
(Minimum quantity of agent required for the area in ques-
tion (from Step No. 6) ÷ the total minimum quantity required
for all areas (from Step No. 7)) x the actual quantity of
agent supplied (from Step No. 9.)
Complete this step for each area protected by the system.
Computer Room
• (918.1 ft
Required Agent Per Area ÷ 1009.9 ft
Agent Required) x 1144 lb. Quantity of Agent Supplied =
1040 ft
Actual Agent Supplied Per Area
• (91.8 ft
Required Agent Per Area ÷ 1009.9 ft
Agent Required) x 1144 lb. Quantity of Agent Supplied =
104 ft
Actual Agent Supplied Per Area
STEP NO. 11 – Determine actual INERGEN agent flood-
ing factor
This step is necessary to determine the Concentration that
the supplied quantity of agent will produce in the protected
area as opposed to the Design Concentration. This is
required to assure that any of the areas will not be over-
concentrated with agent.
To determine the actual INERGEN agent flooding factor
(this is necessary to complete Step No. 12), divide the
”INERGEN Agent supplied” for each area (from Step No.
10) by the Altitude Correction Factor (from Step 6) and
divide the result by the Reduced volume of that hazard
area (from Step No. 3).
NOTE: If all areas use the same “Minimum Design Concen-
tration” in Step No. 4, the Flooding Factors determined in
this step should match for all areas. If this is not the case, a
calculation mistake has been made. Review the previous
calculations carefully to correct it before proceeding.
UL EX-4510 12-1-01 Page 5-4